T-Shirt Fundraiser

9:34 AM 0 Comments

We're very excited about our new adoption fundraiser! 

We have 15 days to sell at least 50 shirts and then your shirt will be mailed 14 days from then... just in time for Tennessee football!!! 


The story behind the shirt: 

Tennessee is “home sweet home” so when God told us our child would be in another country, one that was outside of our "comfort zone", that was such a leap of faith! The song "Oceans" by Hillsong has been on my heart so much during this entire process. Then I get a necklace from a dear friend with this verse from the song “spirit lead me where my trust is without borders”. We keep remembering to trust God no matter where he takes us during this process. It's hard, really hard, knowing we have such a long journey ahead but our trust is in Him. 

Thank you to everyone who is taking that leap of faith with us and GO VOLS! :) 

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.