China Adoption Terminology

3:54 PM 1 Comments

I saw this from a blog I follow and wanted to share: 

China Adoption Terms and Acronyms

Here are some of the terms commonly used in China adoption referring to things involved in the process.  We find the Acronyms to be funny but it is helpful to use them in blogs and during conversations in our yahoo groups discussing adoption topics.

Paperchase - working hard on all the paperwork
Dossier - the collection of paperwork that is sent to China
DTC - Dossier To China, when the dossier has arrived in China
LID - Log-in Date for the Dossier into the CCAA system
CCAA - China Center of Adoption Affairs
Waiting Mom - What I am after LID :)
Referral - When the child is matched to the waiting parent(s)
LOI-Letter of Intent- letter written to officially request your specific child
PA-Pre Approval China recognizes your LOA and offically pre-approved for adoption
LOA- Letter of acceptance - Official approval from China 
TA - travel approval (to go pick child up)
Forever Family - Adoptive family
FCC - Families with Children from China

A common conversation or email might go like this: "I'm about finished with my paperchase. I'm hoping to be DTC in a couple of weeks and think I'll get my LID about two weeks later. I hope the wait for my referral doesn't get any longer."

THANK YOU ALL for the support and love you have shown us! We are on the DOSSIER portion of our adoption, so we will keep you posted when we are DTC and LID! :) 

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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