
12:12 PM 0 Comments

For those of you that know me, you know that birthdays have always been a big deal. I think it goes back to the fact that (Debbie Downer moment here) I've had a lot of death in my family over the years, and I just prefer to focus on the day people were born and not the day they left. Things are happier that way. So yes, I LOVE a good birthday celebration no matter what age, and I'm not ashamed of it.

As I was thinking over this, I started remembering all the ways God has been showing me things regarding adoption and relating it with my birthday... 

- On my 20th birthday, I prayed that God give me something in this life to advocate for. Two weeks later he answered that prayer with orphans. I was not dating anyone, kids were not even on my radar, so I was really confused why God would place adoption on my heart at such a young age. Years later, things make perfect sense. God knows me. He knows I have to plan and prepare things out. He knew I would need a good ten years to prepare for this journey. 

- At 20 I became involved with Show Hope. I fell in love with everything that they stood for. In 2009 they opened a special care unit orphanage in China. I remember being so excited when I received the newsletter in the mail that talked about the grand opening. What day did it open? July 2, 2009... My 25th birthday. This is also the year I married Casey, the perfect man for me who also wanted to adopt. 

- Now here we are on my 30th birthday, and God is still writing our story. Just for us. My very own birthday gift from Him... I can officially adopt from China now!

Please don't read this and think "She would incorporate this to make it all about her". That's not what I'm trying to do! I just want to point to God. That only He truly knows how special birthdays are, and only He would know to make things obvious to me via this day. 

Webster defines Birthday as: "The day when something began". 

Thank you Lord for new beginnings... 

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.