Joy in the Waiting

12:19 PM 1 Comments

A lot of people have been asking for updates here lately, so I wanted to share that we are still waiting. All of our paperwork is in China, and we are waiting on a referral (a child's file to look at). This could take 3 weeks, 8 months, or 12 months. We have no clue the timeframe. And that, my friends, is the hardest...

When I read the Word, I realize many people had to wait! Sarah and Abraham? Waited THIRTEEN years for a child. Wow. Here I am getting stir crazy after one year. It's not our time yet, and I'm ok with that.

Last year, I realized while writing a post that I wanted to find joy in the waiting. That's my word for 2015... Joy. Yes, the wait is hard, but I want to be joyful in everything else I do while I wait. I don't want to mope around and be sad, I still want to enJOY this life while we wait on our child. I love Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all JOY and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirt." Joy, Peace, Hope, I want to be filled with all of those things, don't you?

Last year I heard speaker Mary Marantz say "Joy is the inner attitude of rejoicing in one's salvation regardless of outward circumstances." Woah. How could we not have joy after hearing that?!

What about you? What are you waiting for right now in your life? A job? A spouse? A baby? Do you have joy in the waiting?

My challenge for you is that you share this photo (or any photo) and use #JoyInTheWaiting! Let it be a reminder to you and everyone that sees it, that you are choosing to be filled with JOY no matter how long your wait, can I get an amen?!

As always, thank you for the continued support and prayers. Please keep those prayers coming! We love y'all!

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I came across your blog while researching adoption fundraisers. I love the puzzle piece idea, by the way, and we are going to try to do this, too! I noticed that you guys are from Tennessee and adopting from China. My husband and I live in Franklin (just south of Nashville) and we have just begun the journey to bring home a child from China, as well. I just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I will be praying for your journey! I'd also, like to buy a puzzle piece to support your journey if you still have any left. And, I don't know if you have a child in mind, or what kind of needs you are open to, but I went on a mission trip to an orphanage there in November (which is where the child we are going to try to adopt is) and I met so many precious children who need a home and are "special focus" kids. If you'd like to learn about any of these kids, I'd love to share their stories!
