Yard Sale Fundraiser Update!

12:17 PM 0 Comments

We are so thankful to everyone that supported our adoption yard sale! We raised $1,675.25!!!

Whether you donated your time, your items, or if you just said a prayer for us and spread the word to friends, we THANK YOU! Your love and support means so much to us. 

Thank you Casey, Aaron, and Scott for getting up early and getting everything set up...

 Special thanks to our little helpers Emma & Micah who stayed with us all day and donated some of their toys! 

 Thankful for my Aunt Karen & Uncle Donnie who are always there for us! 
 Taking pictures of each other... 
 My mom, mamaw, and Scott helped so much the week and day of, we are very thankful for them! 

If you are considering a yard sale fundraiser for your adoption then we highly recommend it! Be sure to put an ad in the paper and have noticeable signs on streets. We could only do ours for one day, so if you could do two days over a weekend then even better! Thanks again to all of our family friends, we are getting so much closer!!! 

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.