12:18 PM 0 Comments

We found out that on 11/18/14 (one year and 2 days after we mailed our announcement letters) that we are LID! This means our dossier was logged in with China!

What happens next?

We can officially be matched with children on the Shared List. The Shared List is a CCCWA maintained electronic and secure listing of adoptable children with special needs. “Shared” means that many adoption agencies can see the SAME children’s files simultaneously. There is a possibility for multiple families to be viewing the information for the same child at the same time. Adoption agencies have the ability to secure, or “lock” a child’s file for review by a particular family simply by submitting the family’s name to the CCCWA.

So basically, we wait! We wait on our agency to match us with our child. We know that he or she is out there somewhere and that God has already picked out our precious little one. 

Please pray with us that the wait is a short one, and things continue to move quickly and smoothly. We pray that we are traveling sometime next year to meet our little one! Until then, we will find joy in the waiting... 

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.